JAX-RS Resource and use of @Path

Based on JAX-RS specification; +@Path+ annotation is not mandatory on Resource classes. Apparently many implementations seem to deviate from the specification. Shouldn’t reference implementation adhere to the specification? [Read More]
Tags: jaxrs, java, resteasy

Context Dependency Injection - Are you doing it right?

CDI specification allows Field, Property (aka setter) and constructor injection. Like many developers out there, I also habitually use field injection. I must admit I never gave enough thought about it. But recently I saw a bean with more than 10 injection points and started to ponder over Dependency Injection.... [Read More]
Tags: cdi, jqassistant

Database Change Management with Liquibase

I still remember those good old days when the database configuration used to begin in the project with three holy scripts create.sql, data.sql and drop.sql. Every time you make a change to object model (which you do during early phase of projects), the data model needs to be adapted. As... [Read More]
Tags: database, liquibase

Blob Storage with GridFS

GridFS is a storage mechanism for persisting large objects in MongoDB. The talk will cover a use case of content management using MongoDB. During the talk I would explain why we chose MongoDB over traditional relational database to store XML files. The talk would be accompanied by a live demo... [Read More]
Tags: mongodb, gridfs, unstructured-data, database