Using Spring Integration with Twitter4J to Email Tweets

Recently I was playing around with Spring Integration. To understand any new framework one cannot just rely on documentation. So I created a demo application to try out different features of the framework. Since my main motivation was to understand Spring Integration framework, I wanted to spend minimal efforts in... [Read More]
Tags: enterprise-integration, spring-framework

Esper – Complex Event Processing Engine

Recently I presented a talk about[ at JTeam Tech Meeting. Please go through the slides if you are interested in understanding more about Complex Event Processing and Esper . The first half of the presentation covers conceptual knowledge of Complex Event Processing, its advantages over traditional approaches and use... [Read More]
Tags: esper, CEP

Date DropDownChoice Component Apache Wicket[Apache Wicket] is yet another Java Web Development framework. But the beauty of Wicket is it provides clear separation of concerns. It doesn’t mix markup and java and saves you from adapting to additional expression language. Wicket templates are simple HTML files with only additional wicket attribute wicket:id. This makes... [Read More]
Tags: wicket, web-framework

Stop the Blame Game with Perf4J

Performance tracking and monitoring is often a problem with many applications. Especially in systems with distributed SOA architecture, its difficult to identify the services causing performance hit. So its nice, wise and safe always to profile heavy operations in exterprise applications. Theres always a bad day when suddenly system starts... [Read More]
Tags: logging, performance