Getting Started with FlexUnit and Maven

Today I created my first unit tests for Flex code using FlexUnit. Later I integrated the tests with the maven build using Flex Mojos. Flex-Mojos is a collection of maven-plugins created to work with Flex. [Read More]
Tags: flex, mate, maven

Planning Poker

Are you ever involved in project estimations? Did you ever enjoy this task? I sure know the answer is big NO. This is because at the planning phase of the project there are lot of unknowns. Some members of the team are given the sheet to bring out those magic... [Read More]
Tags: productivity, agile

Independent Developer Workstation

In one of my projects I did some work on process improvements. The main target was to set up independent developer workstation. We stubbed out all the interfaces. Earlier we tried to share a development database in a group of 4-5 developers. But believe me, I’ve seen developers throwing coffee... [Read More]
Tags: productivity, agile

Citcon Europe 2008

I’m just back from the CITCON (Day-I), the Continuous Integration and Testing Conference, hosted by Jeffrey Fredrick and Paul Julius. [Read More]
Tags: citcon, ci, continuos-integeration